Had me laugin. I watched it twice. EXCELLENT voices. I wish it were longer.
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Had me laugin. I watched it twice. EXCELLENT voices. I wish it were longer.
Excellent game. If you don't make a sequel, I will punch a puppy in the face! This must be expanded. The character interaction was superb. I can't really give much constructive criticism except for how this needs a sequel. Think of the puppy.
I have good news for you then! My next project will be a bigger version/sequel of this game.
No reason to bring any innocent puppies into this.
Favorite toss game ever. If you tap forward, it will stop and reset your fall rate. Similar for rockets, use only little chunks at a time - it will give you a boost in height. I went really far this way until it glitched and the"life" bars stopped going down, but they ran out anyway. I went like 8,000+ before landing :-) I kinda enjoy the 'glitches' in this one. Props! After 50+ games this is my first 10/10.
I haven't laughed like this in a long time! This game was so ridiculously basic, I started uncontrollably laughing. And that song?! I just lost my brain.
Nice stereo drum line. You could have used a less generic bass guitar IMO, it sounds almost like classic MIDI. The skeleton of the song is there. You have PROPER arrangement. Nice buildups, they're not too long. There's enough variation in the song structure to keep the melody from feeling repetitive. The melody at the end is a nice change up though. Try running all of your lead synths through a 10% reverb, then compress the high dB and expand the low dB post reverb. It will breathe life without stealing from the drums. I promise! Great work! Propz - Atomchild
I was old on the Chippy sound. I can think of a few retro style flash games that this would be perfect for.
Westminster, MD
Joined on 11/25/12